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Pooh and the Cloud

As most people are aware, Winnie the Pooh is one of the greatest minds who ever lived and through his many adventures in 100 Acre Wood, we can learn many things about many subjects. Over the next few weeks, I shall be examining what he and his friends have to teach us about Cloud Computing. 

I think one of the first lessons that can be learnt from the 'Bear of Very Little Brain' is that calling yourself a Cloud and attempting to disguise yourself as a Cloud doesn't often fool the bees that make the honey. In fact they might indeed sting you and you could come crashing down into a prickly gorse bush. 

In fact, Pooh whilst hanging from the balloon, pretending to be a Cloud and getting stung by suspicious bees comes to the conclusion that the bees are 'the Wrong Sort of Bees' who make the wrong type of honey.

Pooh is acting like many a vendor in the Cloud space

1) Rolling around in mud and pretending to be a Cloud Company! 

2) When customers express suspicion about their cloud credentials; express the belief that these are obviously the wrong sort of customers! 

And although none of them have come crashing to the ground yet, I suspect some of them are looking slightly uncomfortable. Let's hope that they have a softer landing than a prickly gorse bush.

In my next entry, I will examine what lessons that we can learn from Pooh and friends about migration to and from the Cloud.

One Comment

  1. Jimmy Blake says:

    I’d go one further and say that may of the vendors aren’t even bears at all, Many are older managed service / application service providers dressing their on-premise applications up in Pooh outfits before rolling around in said mud.

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