So now EMC have entered the bidding for Data Domain; who do I want to win? Actually neither of them, I think I'd prefer someone else to get them!
So why do I want neither of them? Firstly, I must declare that I'm a NetApp and an EMC customer which colours my opinions somewhat.
When it was just NetApp bidding, I was quite content for them to get Data Domain. It strengthened their portfolio and would allow them to compete just a little more with EMC. Now EMC have entered the fray and with a much improved offer; I'm not so keen and NetApp actually getting Data Domain could hamper their ability to compete, it would eat into their cash reserves entirely too much. It would weaken their position and I suspect EMC could force NetApp to significantly overpay if they let hubris get to them.
Also NetApp do not have a great track record of integrating their acquisitions and driving value out of them; so I'd really rather them see to concentrate on building their core and perhaps look different acquisitions. But I think they should have another bid, just to ensure that EMC end up paying a bit more!
Sure, it'd give NetApp an issue competing with a product which they wanted but better that than running out of cash!
However, I really would prefer not to see EMC get Data Domain; EMC do compete with Data Domain in the dedupe space and I'd prefer to see it kept that way. I don't think it would be especially good for the competitive landscape for EMC to get them.
I think I'd prefer HP to pick up Data Domain and although HP really don't need another storage product, I think Data Domain might well fit quite nicely into their line-up. And hey, at least if HP entered the bidding, it might ensure that EMC end up overpaying instead of NetApp.
Oh well, sure is fun sitting on the sidelines. Who's going to be next? I like the idea of Farley become EMC's new star blogger! But that's just for comedy-value!